Use Climb

The first version of CLIMB is now available in Swedish, as is the user guide and the technical description. Click on the link to get transferred to the Swedish site where the tool is available for download.

Updates and comments

CLIMB is planned to be updated twice in the first year after launch, in autumn 2023 and spring 2024. We would like to be able to inform you about the updates that take place in the tool. To receive updates, send an email to and write ”yes”. If you have comments on the tool send them to the same email.

User support

Ecogain offers ongoing support for using CLIMB in your projects: advice, tips and support for the method, and how it is best optimized based on the conditions of your business. Visit Ecogain’s website in the link below to book user support.

What data is needed?

Input data in the CLIMB tool is taken from a natural value inventory that is carried out according to the Swedish standard for natural value inventory SS 199000:2023.

The inventory must have been carried out using one of the mapping types:

  • NVI detail,
  • NVI medium nature value class 1 to 4 or,
  • NVI overview nature value class 1 to 4 and in-depth inventory of other biotopes,
  • Alternatively NVI preliminary study with extended remote analysis and preliminary study of other biotopes.

Swedish standard for natural value inventory SS 199000:2023 contains guidelines for methodology and competence requirements for the executor, which ensures quality and uniformity in the assessment.

To make a CLIMB calculation the prerequisites are that:

  • The entire mapping area is mapped – either with the help of a preliminary study with extended remote sensing or through an inventory in the field.
  • Nature value biotopes with nature value class 1-4 and other biotopes with other value class 5-7 are identified and assessed.
  • Value landscape is identified.

Execution and degree of detail can be varied depending on what CLIMB is to be used for. The result of the CLIMB calculation becomes more reliable with field inventory, a higher degree of detail in the inventory and the more up-to-date input data is used.